

Friends are donors, volunteers, educators, students, alumni, artists, activists, and allies who believe in the power of arts-based learning — a research-proven educational model that supports diversity in learning, inspires innovation, and enhances creativity and cognition across all subjects. Be a friend.


Board of Directors

Jen Burke / Vice President (Fun)

Visual designer, fun grammarian, Asawa SOTA alumni parent (World Music 2022, Orchestra 2015)

Suz Dehne / Treasurer

Architect, rainbow painter, Asawa SOTA alumni parent (Band 2020)

Don Fontowitz

Artist / educator, rebel farmer, Asawa SOTA Visual Arts director + English teacher (2001–Present)

Cheryl Kapchan / Secretary

Outlier educator, low-key collager, Asawa SOTA college counselor (2023–Present) + alumni parent (Visual Arts 2021)

Leslie Lum

Teacher / paraeducator / tutor for special + general ed, yoga yogi, Asawa SOTA Special / General Ed educator + Capstone mentor (2016–Present)

Adam Maggio

Theater producer, awkward dancer, Asawa SOTA Theater teaching artist (2021–2023) + alumni (Vocal 2010)

Anne Yanow / President

Insolvency accountant, friendraiser, Asawa SOTA alumni parent (Dance 2005)

Advisory Council

Anna Bukareva

Nonprofit executive director, girl power activist, Asawa SOTA Capstone mentor (2022–Present) + alumni sibling (Technical Theater 2009)

Josh Davidson

Chef, Christmas enthusiast, Head of McAteer Culinary Center for SFUSD Student Nutrition Services

Rachel Friedland

Accountant, urban wanderer, Asawa SOTA alumni parent (Band 2022, Vocal 2019)

Liz Jaroslow

Progressive educator, circus dog wrangler, Asawa SOTA alumni parent (Musical Theater 2023, Technical Theater 2023, Architecture + Design 2020)

Khafre Jay

Executive director / nonprofit strategist, dope MC, Asawa SOTA alumni (Visual Arts 2000)

Melecio Magdaluyo

Musician / educator, martial artist, Asawa SOTA Jazz Band Artist in Residence (1990–2022) + SFJAZZ Center teaching artist

Amy Wilson Morris

Conservation and parks planner, pelican enthusiast, Asawa SOTA current parent (Vocal 2027, Musical Theater 2025)

Andy Padlo

Musician / retired educator, mountain man, Asawa SOTA English, Russian, and PE teacher (2001–2021) + alumni parent (Technical Theater 2009)

Michael Palladino

Hospitality entrepreneur, top-ish chef, Asawa SOTA alumni parent (Vocal 2007)

Alfredo Vergara-Lobo

Organizational consultant / coach, cycling nerd, Asawa SOTA alumni parent (World Music 2023)

Shellie Wiener

School admin assistant / facilitator, compulsive genealogist, Asawa SOTA alumni parent (Band 2017)

Jason Wong

Investor / education advisor, travel enthusiast, Asawa SOTA alumni (Theatre 2006)

Members Emeritus

Colleen Ivie / Executive Director Emeritus

Financial services consultant, kite flyer, alumni parent (Band 2012)

Ron McCan / Director Emeritus

Costume designer / educator, Asawa SOTA Musical Theater director + Theatre Artist in Residence (2011–2020) + alumni (Technical Theater 1995)

Help Us Grow


We’re growing our board of directors and advisory committees. If you’re passionate about arts education and arts-based learning, check out our board nomination form or connect with us at friends@fosota.org for more information.


Together we are mighty.

Allies + Angels (2019–2024)

Adam Seligman

Aileen A Furukawa

Amy Morris

Andi Wong

Anne + Danny Yanow

Annette Ribeiro


Armin Haken

Ashley Walker

Aunt Debbie

Ava Soifer

Avrum Shepard

Beverly Chalmers

Big Leap Collective

Brad & Renee Wolf

Burke Family

Carole Denola + Joe McGuire

Colleen Ivie

Cristina Miyar

Dan Hook

Dave Fortescue

David Angel

Debra Safer

Dehne-Wrigley Family

Devon Shipp

Dexter Reid

Dolorico-Francoeur Family

Donna De Santis Buoymaster

Donna Shea

Doug and Kim Cline

Dr. John Calloway

Elvia Marta Emily del Real

Erika Carmona

Estate of Dr. Robert Squeri


Friedland + Associates

Galileo Robotics

Garry Spanner

Gelest Inc.

Gunilla Bergensten

Heidi Alletzhauser Photography

Her Idea

Hip Hop for Change

Howard Goldberg

In Gratitude to Natascha Leddy

Irvin and Pamela Reid

Janet Yieh

Janice Evans + Brady Bruce

Jay Kunzler

Jeff + Toneh Thompson

Jeff Seaman

Jeffrey & Dawn Linhardt

Jennifer White

Jerry Pannone

Jessica Kravin

Joe + Carrie Pentasuglio

Joe Hannon

John Fox

Jordan Park

Jose Lara

Josh Davidson

Judith Clarke

Julie Glantz

Kaiser Permanente

Kathleen Linhardt

Kent Anderson

Kevin & Judy Cline

Kirkland Jue

Laroque-Calot Family

Lillian Dehne

Lisa Marie Anaya


Marich Family

Marina Iofina

Marina McClay

Marty & Mary Pat Maloney

Mary James

Medical First Aid for Youth

Michelle Gillern

Monina Sen Cervone

Nadine Wei

Nico Berry

One Voice Mentors

Patti and Mark Boitano

Paul Kwapy

Persistent Planet

Phillip Rayher

Poets in the Schools

Project Smile

Rick & Mary Anne Schieb

Robert Cave

Rolling Arts


Romy Barbato

Ruth Asawa School of the Arts

Ruth Asawa School of the Arts PTSA

San Francisco Arts Commission

San Francisco Parks Alliance

Sara Park

School Yard Rap


SF Foundation on Behalf of Gerard Gleason Fund

SFUSD Arts Department

SFUSD Student Nutrition Services


Shellie Wiener + Alan Geist

SOTA Cyberdragons

SOTA stories

Stacy Family

Stella Kim

Stokes Family

Sue Schechter

Susan and Joe Schieb-Cunningham

Susan Langlands

Susan Terence

Tara Siegel

Terri Lin

The Evergreen Project

The McAteer Campus Community Farm

The SOTA Cyberdragons

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Tim Streb in memory of Caren Streb

Tristan Arnold

Urban Sprouts

USDA – The Patrick Leahy Farm to School Program

Vergara-Lobo Associates

Vincent Leddy

Vora / Pamnani Family

Walter van Riel

Youth Bike America

Youth Empowerment Fund

Yuko Tsuchiya

Yurkevich Family

Yvonne McClung

Zachary Lipsett

And You!

Join us.


Header image: Revelers at Phat Sunday 2017. The FOSOTA-sponsored fundraiser hosted 1500+ guests from 31 cities enjoying over 2000 pounds of crawfish, craft beer, and bon temps elixirs. Photo by Heidi Alletzhauser Photography